Thursday, June 16, 2011

Post # 7 - Home-Owners

We pretty much lived in apartments for ten years ever since we got married. Buying a house is a first for us and we will officially be  homeowners!!!! No more paying for rent and the money that you are forking out will pretty much go to waste but allowing us to have a roof over our heads. Purchasing a home allows us to have some sort of investment and if we ever plan to sell the house we get our money back for when we relocate. Believe me we plan to live in this house for a very very long time. Its an awesome feeling to know that we accomplished into buying a home for a growing family let alone purchasing a home for the first time that we are building. It is a brand new home and no one has previously lived there. We are the first to step into that house, eat, sleep, and play in there. We will be making history in our home the first Flerchingers to reside there. Its a nice feeling to know we do not ever have to pay for rent ever again but this time we OWN it!!!!!! I definitely cannot wait to be a home-owner and once we move in its something to celebrate about. No more having to call in our land lord if something breaks and waiting for days to get it fixed instead we are our own land lord. We can fix it up to our liking to make our home look even more fancier. I love it that we will no longer pay for rent but own a home our first home together a home that is just made for us and our ever growing family.


  1. *claps*

    Let's hear it for homeowners!!!

    I'm so excited for you! Truly!

    Oh, and don't forget the tax benefits to being a homeowner!
    ~ You claim 1 more deduction on your pay checks
    ~ You can write off the interest at tax time
    ~ And I think there may be a tax credit for "green" homes too.


  2. Great Post! This is my #1 when we get to it.

    @Noey Yes ma'am I am soooooooooo excited for tax time
